Authorization Flow

This is a brief summary of the OAuth2 authorization flow and the methods in the FreshBooks API Client around them. See the FreshBooks API - Authentication documentation.

First, instantiate your Client with client_id, client_secret, and redirect_uri as above.

To get an access token, the user must first authorize your application. This can be done by sending the user to the FreshBooks authorization page. Once the user has clicked accept there, they will be redirected to your redirect_uri with an access grant code. The authorization URL can be obtained by calling freshBooksClient.get_auth_request_url(). This method also accepts a list of scopes that you wish the user to authorize your application for.

auth_url = freshBooksClient.get_auth_request_url(['user:profile:read', 'user:clients:read'])

Once the user has been redirected to your redirect_uri and you have obtained the access grant code, you can exchange that code for a valid access token.

auth_results = freshBooksClient.get_access_token(access_grant_code)

This call both sets the access_token, refresh_token, and access_token_expires_at fields on you Client instance, and returns those values.

>>> auth_results.access_token
<some token>

>>> auth_results.refresh_token
<some refresh token>

>>> auth_results.access_token_expires_at
<datetime object>

When the token expires, it can be refreshed with the refresh_token value in the Client:

>>> auth_results = freshBooksClient.refresh_access_token()
>>> auth_results.access_token
<a new token>

or you can pass the refresh token yourself:

>>> auth_results = freshBooksClient.refresh_access_token(stored_refresh_token)
>>> auth_results.access_token
<a new token>

Current User

FreshBooks users are uniquely identified by their email across our entire product. One user may act on several Businesses in different ways, and our Identity model is how we keep track of it. Each unique user has an Identity, and each Identity has Business Memberships which define the permissions they have.

See FreshBooks API - Business, Roles, and Identity and FreshBooks API - The Identity Model.

The current user can be accessed by:

>>> current_user = freshBooksClient.current_user()
<some email>

>>> current_user.business_memberships
<list of businesses>